Vue Storefront

1 min read
21 Sep 2023
Ecommerce companies are stuck on outdated legacy platforms and frontend solutions that are not optimized for today’s users’ expectations. We help companies to go headless faster, cheaper and better. We are the glue for headless commerce.

Vue Storefront provides developers with the needed technical solutions to keep up with the fast-growing ecommerce industry. The company is now the fastest-growing open-source project on GitHub. The idea for Vue Storefront emerged when the founders tried to solve a problem. In 2017, Patrick Friday and his colleagues were working for Divante, a global ecommerce-technology company, when they noticed that more and more users were migrating from desktop to mobile phones.

Optimizing the software used back then did not achieve the needed results, because it meant higher costs for only slightly better performance. However, they realized that using Vue.js, a JavaScript library for building web interfaces, allowed for a remarkably improved experience for mobile users. They saw an opportunity for a new business using Vue.js for storefronts, which is where its name came from.

Headless ecommerce, which separates the front end of the store from the back end to improve flexibility, was relatively new when the company started out. The cofounders’ biggest challenge was to convince investors of their idea. However, with the change of the demands of the market as many users migrated to mobile, investors began to develop an interest in the company to the point that Vue Storefront had one of the biggest Series A round in the history of Polish startups.

Funding Story 

In December 2020, Vue Storefront signed a VC seed round agreement and was accepted into Y Combinator. From January 2021, it started its journey as a company with seven employees. In its Series A funding round, it raised $17.5 million.


  • Deciding to spin off from Divante in 2019.
  • Having customers from all over the world and going global from day one.
  • Growing ten times in only nine months of operating.
  • Having over seven hundred stores join Vue Storefront, including multi-billion-dollar revenue companies.