Universidade do Vale do Taquari (Univates)
Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates focuses on innovation, entrepreneurship and health services.
Its mission is to generate, mediate and disseminate technical, scientific and humanities research in order to meet regional needs within a global context. It also has one of the most modern libraries in Latin America, installed with radio frequency identification (RFID) technology covering 100 percent of its books. There is also student accommodation available (Share Univates) with many dorm rooms (individual or shared) for Brazilian and international students. Students are able to obtain a study loan provided by the institution itself (Credivates), as a way to support their aspiration for higher education. Univates also has a technology business incubator at the Scientific and Technological Park of Vale do Taquari (Tecnovates), which provides support to new entrepreneurs working with technological methods and content.
Nearby Transit Connections:
As the city has no metro, many students drive to the university or share rides. There is parking available and buses on campus.
Price of Tuition:
An average tuition fee of R$1,500 (US$300) per month.
Entry Requirements:
An in-person admission test, an online writing test, or ENEM score. It’s mandatory to prove high school completion (or equivalent) to be fully enrolled.
Main photo: Univates Marketing and Communication