The Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs

1 min read
15 Jan 2024

A culture is startup culture.

LA is a trillion-dollar economy with an average of 329 days of sunshine a year and unparalleled attractions. Our startup community, home to Snap, Riot, SpaceX and Hulu, to name a few, is fueled from a deep pool of talent coming from around the world and graduating from some of the region’s 112 college and university campuses, which produce more PhDs and graduate degrees than any other city in America. 

This talent development is being fueled by digital Hollywood’s demand for storytellers, the growth of the aerospace industry into commercial markets, and the blue and green economies’ quest for sustainable and planet-saving solutions.

LA’s media giants and global cultural influencers are amplifying the impact of the region’s digital makers and attracting tens of billions of investment dollars into its startup scene, making LA “ground zero” for launching new marketplace business models that attract the attention of the city’s ten million plus residents, who represent more than 140 nationalities and speak more than 224 languages.  

LA was and is built on vision and entrepreneurial spirit. No matter what your background, your opportunities to dream, collaborate and implement are limitless. When the workday is over, go to Silicon Beach for the surfing but stay to join the arts, culinary, entertainment and tech talent that gravitates here, shaping the global conversation from a taco truck, demo track, explosive video clip or freewheeling digital vision. 

Technology and innovation are in LA’s DNA. We invite you to explore this guide and bring your startup dreams here.

Michael H. Kelly
Executive Director
The Los Angeles Coalition for the Economy & Jobs
