Rwanda Biosolution

1 min read
01 Jan 2024
We produce affordable and restorative organic fertilizer by leveraging organic waste and crop residues through effective microorganism technology.

Rwanda Biosolution is a producer of alternatively sourced organic fertilizer. The company uses microorganisms to transform farm and urban organic waste into potent fertilizer that not only improves crop yield but also restores land destroyed by chemical versions. This alternative solution can be produced quickly year-round and is affordable for local farmers. Cofounder Theogene Ingabire says that the team discovered the need for the product at a farming conference in 2015 and then developed its solution at the University of Rwanda’s College of Science and Technology. “The results in the lab were so positive that it pushed us to bring out the idea in the real world. That was the birth of Rwanda Biosolution,” he says.

Since its foundation, the company has worked with more than a hundred farmers and built a team of six permanent and four part-time employees. Theogene says that it has ambitious plans for the next few years. “My main goal is to serve as many farmers in need of our products as possible, with the key target being to establish a number of agents in five districts. We also want to establish a composting plant in Rwanda that will be able to serve more than two thousand farmers,” he says.

Funding Story

Rwanda Biosolution won $1,000 in a business-plan competition organized by DOT Rwanda in 2015. It has since secured $5,000 grant capital from the Tony Elumelu Foundation and $10,000 from the US African Development Foundation, as well as other funding.


  • Partnering with our first farmers, proving that our solution was of value.
  • Purchasing a composting machine, which allowed us to increase our production.
  • Signing a partnership with One Technical Vocational Training to teach students entrepreneurship in collaboration with educational institutions.
  • Launching technical training for farmers on how to best use organic fertilizers, which was important in ensuring uptake.

Main Photo by: Rwanda Biosolution Lda
