BCG Digital Ventures

2 min read
15 Jan 2024

Sector: Sector agnostic

We build game-changing, disruptive, white-space businesses that don’t exist today.

BCG Digital Ventures is an investment firm that operates in tandem with consulting management firm Boston Consulting Group. It invests alongside corporations in emerging startups, giving large, established companies the opportunity to be key players in the next stage of technological innovation. This type of unique investment fills a previous gap within the wider BCG portfolio. The firm works with companies across verticals, and its partnership opportunities primarily come through its relationship with BCG proper. BCG Digital Ventures begins work with a client by gaining a thorough understanding of the details of the business: why it exists, who makes up its customer base, what makes it unique in market and what its products are. Operating with a unique blend of corporate resources, expertise and entrepreneurial ethos, it assesses the business for pain points or areas of friction and devises a personalized strategy to help with growth or reinvention. The investment firm stands out for its pacing: they can move from concept to launch in twelve months. Businesses looking for immediate transformation benefit from the partnership and see growth gains without experiencing a drawn-out trial-and-error process that would otherwise last years. In just a short amount of time, BCG Digital Ventures helps to rebrand or disrupt a long-established company, or it works with it to invest in new innovations, helping to bring the corporation into the future. 

BCG Digital Ventures values capitalizing on startup opportunities to improve society. By connecting major companies with emerging disruptors, they’re able to unite business interests in pursuit of common transformative goals. They look to partner with companies interested in growth, change, disruption and developing their own roster of portfolio businesses. “Our Global IP and Investment team is responsible for making strategic investments into our business that drive growth,” says Eyana Carballo, the global commercial strategy and IP manager.  Companies within the BCG Digital Ventures portfolio include AutoGravity, a technology that revolutionizes the car-buying experience, and Endpoint, which makes the home-closing process simple, fast and transparent.


Be ready for growth.
We look to invest in companies that are ready for growth and ready to use a mix of corporate and entrepreneurial strategies to move toward their next iteration.

Seek opportunities for transformation.
Is your company looking to undergo a transformation? We work with enterprises looking to change strategy from within to move their business in a new direction. 

Be ready to disrupt.
We partner with companies ready to disrupt the traditional modes of operation in their sector.  Are you ready to fundamentally alter the way a type of business or transaction is done in our culture?

Be interested in creating a portfolio.
We work with companies who are interested in creating their own portfolio of businesses to operate as a type of venture capitalist themselves.

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