Jutro Medical

1 min read
21 Sep 2023
We are a new type of medical clinic where doctors can provide more comprehensive and preventative care. Our technology platform saves time, enabling doctors to address issues before they arise and extending and improving patients' quality of life.

In 2018, Adam Janczewski went to a routine optometrist appointment where, thanks to cancellations, his doctor had more time to spend with him and caught a serious genetic condition before it could do irreparable damage.

While recovering, Adam realized he could build a new kind of clinic, where technology could help turn his experience into the basic standard of care. After two years of research, he founded Jutro Medical, which combines telemedicine and a proprietary technology platform with physical public clinics. Patient intake is done over the phone or online, and the software provides clinic staff a clear “dashboard” overview of patient information, giving doctors more time to spend on preventative care.

As CEO, Adam faced a considerable challenge in opening public clinics and finding early investors. In Poland’s government-administered health service, the clinics needed approval, and profits depend solely on the number of patients. “When talking with investors, I was simply honest: we have a huge risk in national health insurance, but we don’t have a lot of risks in patient acquisition or technology,” says Adam. With an initial investor, Jutro Medical launched in January 2020. By July, the company had received a contract from the national health service. Although its planned clinic processes were disrupted by the pandemic, the team adapted to the challenge, growing from fourteen to eighty employees within a year, with monthly patient growth over 20 percent and 96 percent of consultations rated four out of five or higher.

Funding Story

Jutro Medical’s initial business angel invested €500,000 ($583,000). In September 2020, it received €1 million ($1.6 million) in pre-seed funding from eight investors, and in July 2021 it received €6 million ($7.6 million) from four investors, led by Inovo Venture Partners.


  • Launching the company in January 2020.
  • Opening the first clinic in May 2020.
  • Getting a contract with the national health insurance system in July 2020.
  • Receiving €6 million in seed investment in July 2021.