
2 min read
01 Jan 2024

Sector: Climate tech, agribusiness, edtech, healthtech, light manufacturing

Innohub is a business accelerator and impact investment platform that supports small businesses in growing, scaling and becoming sustainable, while also matching them to investment sources to help them pursue their growth objectives.

While studying at the London School of Economics, Nelson Amo was inspired by companies and social enterprises addressing development obstacles similar to those affecting his home country, Ghana. “I was intrigued by how businesses were addressing rural challenges, food security, energy, education and health,” he says. Nelson officially incorporated Innohub in 2011 while still studying, but the founder and CEO didn’t walk into his Innohub office until 2015. Before launching the venture, he identified two key areas in which he wanted Innohub to excel: helping startups grow into scalable and profitable businesses with social impact, and matching these ventures to investment capital. 

Innohub runs multiple programs for startups across impact-related sectors. Examples include the Climate Smart Accelerator Program, an investment-readiness program that matches startups to the Wangara Green Ventures fund, and fLab, a six-month program for female-led tech startups. Innohub also functions as an accelerator in collaboration with partners such as the British Council and GIZ, the German Development Cooperation. Innohub’s support is hands-on and sometimes includes investing in ventures as well as providing follow-on management support, coaching and office space. Selected startups are matched with investors and in some instances Innohub works on behalf of investors to disburse funds based on agreed-upon milestones while working with the startup on timelines and reporting. 

Once a startup is accepted into an Innohub program, its team works with mentors to define growth metrics specific to the company both for their time during the program and up to five years into the future. For Nelson, Innohub is successful when its startups are operating a few years after their participation in the program and are able to continue to raise funding.


Have more than an idea or a plan.
We want to see that you have done some work in your target market, that you’ve tested it and that you have invested your own time and resources. 

Have a big appetite for growth.
We have programs for startups of different sizes, and you can come to us as a small operation, but we need to see that you have the motivation for sustained growth. 

Consider your impact.
We are concerned with doing good and doing well at the same time. Our programs are meant for startups that want to build businesses that help solve challenges.

Personalize your application.
We try to see the entrepreneur in their application, to measure their passion, ambition and drive. Use your application to talk about yourself as well as your idea.

Application can be sent via

Main photo by Nelson Amos
