Ashesi University

1 min read
01 Jan 2024
The mission of Ashesi University is to educate a new generation of ethical, entrepreneurial leaders in Africa; to cultivate within our students the critical thinking skills, the concern for others and the courage it will take to transform a continent.

Ashesi University opened in 2002 and was granted its presidential charter in 2018, making it at that time the youngest institution in the country to be able to award its own degrees. The university was founded by Patrick Awuah, Jr., who grew up in Ghana and witnessed how ineffectual leadership could derail a country’s focus. His goal was to train leaders who embody strong values and who would contribute to solving existing problems through strong ethics and entrepreneurship. Ashesi has three core pillars: citizenship, scholarship and leadership. Its curriculum is structured to ensure that students achieve eight core learning goals: ethics and civic engagement; critical thinking; communication; leadership and teamwork; innovation and action; curiosity and skill; technological competence; and professionalism. It offers bachelor’s degrees in business administration, management information systems, computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, computer engineering and mechanical engineering. Every student is required to take math, African Studies and entrepreneurial courses.

In 2020, Ashesi University was ranked first in Ghana and ninth in Africa in the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings, which measures actions taken by educational institutions towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Ashesi is particularly strong in clean energy and gender equality, with women making up 50 percent of the student body. The school’s founder has also received the WISE Prize for Education for his dedication to supporting education in Africa. 

Ashesi University is a preferred talent pipeline for leading companies in Ghana and internationally, through both internships and employment. Alumni receive life-long support, including help with finding job opportunities, interview preparation and preparing for graduate studies. The school also engages the Ghanaian entrepreneurial ecosystem to help address some of the country’s pressing needs, such as helping the Ghana Climate Innovation Centre grow clean businesses and commercialize solutions to climate change. In September 2019, it launched the Ashesi Venture Incubator, which provides business development, funding and support services to graduating students and recent alumni.


  • Meet our basic requirements. You must have a West African Senior Secondary Certificate or an equivalent high school diploma. International students must also provide evidence of English language proficiency.
  • Have a great academic record. You must be able to handle intense academic work and we place high importance on your high school transcripts, exam results and other markers of academic ability.
  • Demonstrate leadership in extracurricular activities. We want to see you creating opportunities for yourself and taking responsibility outside the classroom.
  • Show us your passion for contributing to the development of the continent. We want to see that you are unafraid of tackling big challenges facing Africa, and that you are committed to helping other people.


Total enrollment: 1,173 (2019)

Application can be sent via:

Main photo by Ashesi University
